miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009

Otra vez toca Karaoke

This is the last time .......Keane
This is the last time
That I will say these words
I remember the first time
The first of many lies
Sweep it into the corner
Or hide it under the bed
Say these things they go away
But they never do
Something I wasn't sure of
But I was in the middle of
Something I forget now
But I've seen too little of
The last time
You fall on me for anything you like
Your one last line
You fall on me for anything you like
And years make everything alright
You fall on me for anything you like
And I no I don't mind
This is the last time
That I will show my face
One last tender lie
And then I'm out of this place
So tread it into the carpet
Or hide it under the stairs
Say that some things never die
Well I tried and I tried
Something I wasn't sure of
But I was in the middle of
Something I forget now
But I've seen too little of
The last time
You fall on me for anything you like
Your one last line
You fall on me for anything you like
And years make everything alright
You fall on me for anything you like
And I no I don't mind
The last time
You fall on me for anything you like
Your one last line
You fall on me for anything you like
And years make everything alright
You fall on me for anything you like
And I know I don't mind



6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

In the dark for a while now... I can't stay, very far... I can't stay, much longer, riding my decission home... (I can't stay, by The Killers): ¿no dan ganas de cansarse realmente de todo y tratar de cambiar las cosas a mejor?

Anónimo dijo...

me encanta este canción!!!

Anónimo dijo...

The last time..

Anónimo dijo...

Tu antes molabas.
Mar solar sister

Anónimo dijo...

Silencio, eterno y mudo como el recuerdo
del amor que tu me diste,
silencio, tan grande, tan vacío y tan muerto,
como quema este dolor del silencio
que llena cada espacio en mi cuerpo,
Como duele este silencio de amor.
Esta te gusta más no??? je, je...

miguelan dijo...

Jolin, tampoco hacia falta que se enterase todo el mundo de que me gusta esa cancion....ademas, me has pisado un post pues estaba decidiendo si me atrevia a confesarle al mundo o no que me gustaba una de Bisbal....